The Other Eden

The Other Eden sitting on a wood surface

"That night, I dreamed of Eve for the first time in many years. She rocked me while I cried, as she had not rocked me since the night my mother died, and spoke softly of a place called Eden…"

Devastated by the death of the beloved grandfather who raised her, precocious young pianist Eleanor Rose heeds the words of the unknown woman in her dream. Leaving the security of her privileged life in Boston, she heads for Eden’s Meadow, a Louisiana estate which she has never seen, and which has been closed since her grandmother died there mysteriously twenty-five years earlier. She longs for a tranquil haven in which to nurse her grief and concentrate on her music, and at first Eden’s Meadow seems to be just that. But Eleanor’s shocking discovery of a forgotten painting, the timely arrival of a letter from a man who seems to hold the answers to the questions it raises, and her growing love for an enigmatic Russian musician draw her into a labyrinth of past and present deception, which ultimately threatens her sanity and her very life.


What the critics say:

“Lush, sensual, musical and dangerously seductive, The Other Eden is a rare vision of a corrupt, irresistible paradise. Enter this novel at your peril; leave it only with profound regret. The Other Eden will haunt you, and your dreams."

- J.D. Landis, author of Lying in Bed, Longing and The Valley

"This riveting adventure proves irresistible from beginning to end."

- Booktrust

“A rising literary star...her sophisticated knowledge of music and the intriguing interplay of characters and plot captured me instantly...”

- Amazon Top 50 reviewer

"I found myself drawn into the deeply romantic, imaginative world..."

- Stuart Conn, poet

Full Reviews:

Cornflower and Bella Online

What I've said:

Recently, Marshal Zeringue asked me to cast one of my books for a movie (hypothetically, of course!) for his blog 'Campaign for the American Reader'. For an approximation of my reaction, read the part in 'High Fidelity' where he finally gets asked to publish his Top Five Songs list! See my quasi-coherent response here.


City of the Sun